Life: Happy New Year

New Year 2013So it’s been an exhilarating year this year. I mean we’ve had so much going on! To be honest I really enjoyed this year, I think it’s been one of my best years so far. I think that this has been a good year for the UK overall, I mean we’ve hosted the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and we done it very well. We also came in at third place in the Olympics which is the best we’ve done so far, I think it was the motivation, of it being in our country. We also finally got out of drought and our debt, we were getting back on track and things seemed to be going swimmingly. Then we find out right at the end of the year that the beautiful Kate Middleton was pregnant which brought joy to many people. Then we’ve got the US, in the elections Barrack Obama got re-elected and at a very crucial time too, where in the US they were hit with Hurricane Sandy, and are managing quite well at the moment if I must say. We also had Felix Baumgartner who did a brilliant demonstration of how to jump from space and land perfectly fine on your feet, that was amazing I have to say. We also had a little downfall of the Kony Scam, recieving all the charity money then giving it the workers and the charity itself for it’s own profit. We also had a four minute video of a man doing a horse riding stance, which became a sensational thing world wide, a little something called Gangnam Style, which people still dance to nowadays. I think the biggest thing overall was the fact that we had survived 2012, you know since we were supposed to be dead on the 21st of December. Well that turned out pretty well didn’t it.

Well anyway I think that we don’t need to make any New Year resolutions because to be honest we don’t know what’s going to happen next year, and I personally think that we should just go with the flow. Just try and change the negatives into positives and, hope for the best. That’s my motto for now. When people ask me what’s your New Year’s resolution I’m just going to say that. Haha I think that it’s quite smart that I made that on the spot. Turn over a new leaf tomorrow and let the worries of yesterday wash over you, because it’s a new year. Be the better next year then the last.

So for some of us we want this year to be OUR year and for others we want this to be the BEST year, and I think we can do both of those things. Let’s make 2013 even more memorable than 2012, lets actually embrace a new year.  And let us be thankful that we are not dead, and actually still alive and we are powered with full energy, ready for the New Year.

Thanks for reading and I hoped that you guys enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day, and Happy A New Year!

Azraa 😀


Life: Jaffa Cakes And Oreo’s

OreoSo I was having a bit trouble of finding a new post to write about since well, I covered everything for this month. So I asked one of my closest friends, Anisha and her cousin, Salma and they ended up giving me this. If you want to know what idea of a post they gave me you’re just going to have read on.

We have a situation. A biscuit situation. I think it’s more like declaring war. So we have this issue on which biscuit is better Jaffa Cakes or Oreo’s. Now for me I think that I could only eat a few Jaffa Cakes but I could eat tones of Oreo’s. It just depends on the timing and how I feel. Jaffa Cakes are the ones you eat on your own then eventually get sick of eating them, but Oreo’s are the ones that you eat with your family, it’s more like a family biscuit, and you only eat a certain amount because everyone grabs more, before you can grab all of them. I think it’s time that I name the advantages and disadvantages of both of them and you guys can decide which one you prefer.

Jaffa Cakes have that really nice taste to them, and mean if you haven’t had them in a while then they taste really nice, the tangy orange and the chocolate brings that nice original flavour. And because you enjoy that first biscuit, the pack runs out jaffa-cakesreally quick, then you always end up loving them so much that you buy the jumbo pack, and eat them in one night, when you’re feeling that bit lonely and decide to watch a film on your own, and end up eating the whole pack. Then you feel really sick because the tangy orange in it, has had some effect in your stomach and you can’t handle it. So I mean, even though they taste like heaven for that little moment but really they really just end up making you sick. Honestly I don’t mind Jaffa Cakes at times.

Oreo’s are like the best mash up flavours ever two chocolate biscuits with the milk filling in the middle and there you go you have your Oreo sandwich. It’s like the nicest biscuit ever that you could just dunk in your tea and still tastes wonderful. Oreo’s are the one that you share out when you have them, because they don’t taste as good when you eat them on your own. But the worst thing that they do is that sometimes when you dunk them in, they just break apart in your cup and you get really mad, because it’s like dropping one on the floor. It’s wasted and you can’t eat the whole thing soggy, because the sweetness of the tea takes away the taste. But overall Oreo’s are like the nicest things ever, I haven’t had a hell load of Oreo’s in my life, before you all gasp I have a reason, because every time I try and sneak into the kitchen, I see my brother stuffing them all in his mouth, when I haven’t even had a chance to have one. So you can’t all blame me for not having enough Oreo’s.

So you all need to decide what one is your favourite then let me know by leaving a comment, with the name of your favourite biscuit in the comment box.

I hope that you’ve all enjoyed this really, random, crazy post and thanks for reading!

Azraa 😀

Life: Those Rainy Days

Rainy DaysI get that it’s winter but I mean come one it just doesn’t stop raining! At this point I would just love it to snow, because snow doesn’t make any noise and it actually looks pretty when you look out your window. But when it rains it’s probably the most depressing thing to see. I think that this is the reason why most people are so depressed in the UK. What do I usually do on those rainy days? I don’t know I usually just watch T.V or sit in front of the laptop, and I can’t just look outside because then I feel depressed then it just starts going South for me.

I want to start with this expression, “Save for a rainy day.”. I never really understood this expression, it would kind of mess with my head, so I would never understand it. But I kind of get it now, it sort of revolves around money in a sense. Many people would sort of say, I’m going to save this for rainy day, and so on. I just thought that I’d mention that for those who are dumb like me and didn’t get it.

When I was little I would usually paint with my dad on a rainy day, he used to teach me how to get the paint at the right consistency, and how I would always get it wrong and I would just paint with water, because I never got the mixture right. But oh well I know how to paint now. Or I would usually just get out a board game and play with my cousins. There was also a time where we got seriously bored, and just made this game, where basically I had a fire place and there was a bit of tile, then carpet. The carpet was the river and the tiles were the bank. And one person would sit on the bed and tell the other three who were playing, to step on the bank then the river, and the person who would step on the wrong one would be out. It was called River-Bank, the most simplest names of all, how could I forget? We played this game for a while and it was very fun when we were about seven years old. With my mum rainy days usually just meant going out to the shopping centre because we were out of the rain and indoors. Those things are still what I would do with my mum nowadays, I don’t usually paint now either, because I think I’ve grown out of that age group. What most people do is just plug in their earphones and listen to Taylor Swift’s Come In With The Rain, then eventually fall asleep. Okay I think that it’s just me who does that. Well anyway, most people listen to some music then fall asleep, might not be Taylor Swift, but music anyway. There’s always that odd rainy day when you remember running home from school with a mate and your brother, when it was pouring because you had forgotten your coats. Oh those were the days…

Rainy days are actually not so bad when you’re doing things, with other people. I mean sometimes they can be pretty boring but, sometimes they can be pretty fun. Today’s rainy day inspired me to right this post and go through all the memories, that made some rainy days good. I’ve actually never thought of a rainy day that was bad, I don’t think I’ve had one. When there was nothing to do I’ve always slept in with some music. So I guess rainy days aren’t that bad.

I hope that you guy have enjoyed this rainy day post, and it has inspired you to do more things then just lay in, although that’s a good option too. Thanks for reading!

Azraa 😀

Life: Happy Holidays

Happy holidaysSo I can finally say that I’M ON HOLIDAY! Yayyy! After one whole term of very hard working and can finally put my feet up for a couple of days, wake up at eleven and just go out with my friends. But this is freedom for only a little while, I have to revise as I have my exams in January and I need to boost up just a little more.

We can just sit back and enjoy the rest till we get our next holiday in February. But till then we can just think about tomorrow. Our days can be spent watching French cartoon films, or drinking tea. Or you never know you might be making weird video’s for a friends birthday and end up dancing Shakira to it. Or you could just be the normal, depressed person that stays at home at watches films, like P.S. I love you or Crazy, Stupid, Love all alone with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Yeah, we’re usually the ones that have no life during the holidays. But what I’m hoping for is the snow! As I do not have school, I really wouldn’t mind the snow. We have this tradition that we do every year when it snows, we usually go out to the this big field which we call the common and have a random snowball fight with random strangers. Because we feel like it. I love the Christmas holidays they seem to come at the right time this year. And for the first time my birthday is in the holidays so I’m happy! This holiday actually looks like that it’s going to be a good one, and it looks like that I’m going to have fun. Who knows I’ll probably like to Live While I’m Young. The teenagers would get that joke.

So everyone out there who’s on break just go sit down, grap a cup of tea, put your feet up and just relax and watch Eastenders, if you’re British at least. I hope that you all have a great holiday! And I will be posting in between then so don’t worry!

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this post, and that you liked it. Thanks for reading!

Azraa 😉

P.S. This picture at the top was drawn by my great cousin, who also owns a blog just click here to see her posts and her pictures!

Life: Visiting The Elderly For Christmas, Good Deeds

Visiting The ElderlyI feel really good about what I did today. I and four other of my friends went to go visit the elderly for Christmas. And we didn’t have a choice, as if we didn’t do it we won’t go to work experience. But some people didn’t want to do it, some people had to do it, and some wanted to do it. And we wanted to do it. So, we baked a lemon cake yesterday and it was so fun we created memories at the same time, then chilled out on my couch and watched Friends. It was like a sleepover except that no one was sleeping over because we had school in the morning. But it was the most fun that I had in ages and you know what? The cake actually turned out great. And we didn’t end up killing anyone. So I guess that it’s school. We made cake, bought a bouquet, bought a bunch of biscuits, got tea and body wash. We just gave it to them.

It was the most beautiful experience that I’ve ever had. They got really attached to us really quick and so did we. They told us about their family and what they used to work as. And some of them didn’t have any family. There was this one women called Amy and she was the most lovely women that you could ever meet, she was probably the only one who we had a proper conversation with. She was very sweet, and we asked her what her age was and we had asked her, what her age was, and she made us guess. And we all guessed lower than her actual age so she was like you girls are just lovely, and she held on to my hand, it really made her day, and she made us laugh.

There was also this man who I can’t remember the name of but he really liked our cake and we gave him like two bits and he was really enjoying the biscuits and it was very nice to see everyone enjoying the cake that we made. I felt like such a good person, who was doing good deeds on Christmas. It was just so good to see these elderly people’s face just light up when they saw us come in.

We kinda made a half vow to go and see them next year because it felt that good. And I just feel that they need a little more love at that time of the year. So I’m going next year and I’m going to bake the same cake because that seems to be their favourite.

I would just like to thank Mulberry house for having us their and I wish them a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Thanks fro reading and I hoped that you guys enjoyed it! You should all visit the elderly who are alone for Christmas, it’ll make Christmas that little bit more magical.

Azraa 😀

Life: The Stress Of Exams

ExamsExams, exams, exams! They are like literally every where, you cannot have a breather they are like domino’s one after the other. And you feel that you’ve got all these books on your back and you can’t move until you’ve read everyone of them and then disposed them somewhere. And I get it I really get it our exams determinate where you go after but I mean it’s like they want to make your lives a living hell. I mean just going through the results of my science mock was killing me every time I was going through a question and marking it. I got a pass and I’m supposed to be aiming for an A and it looks like I’m going to be very busy over the Christmas holidays. But the thing is it’s actually hard. Like, I knew it was going to be difficult but it was actually hard no one seemed to pass a C grade. My exams are just literally one month away and I can finally feel the stress settling on my shoulders like giant weights. And I not only have my science exams I also have my French speaking then my maths mock and it’s like they just choose it around the time when we can’t focus on anything. But the actual exams that we’re doing.

Here’s the thing we think “Oh after these two years, we’ll have a rest. It’ll be okay.” It’s not! It’s really not. I mean then we have A-Levels and then we need to get into Uni, then we have a job, and then we have a family and we are basically never free after that. Everything is moving at such a fast pace and to be honest I don’t think it should be moving this fast at such a young age. I think that fifteen year old’s shouldn’t be having this much stress at this age and I think that the government is mental. I mean, you are just constantly moving and learning and revising and doing exams. And you really don’t get a break, because during the break you’re revising.

Then there’s the other issue that your parents expect you to do well, not even telling to try but that you have to do well. Because they’ve paid for your education and tried to make their lives revolve around you. So it’s kind of a disgrace for you to not get great results. Then you end feeling extremely guilty for not having tried hard enough.

To be honest the list could on forever and there could be so many excuses but in the day, it’s not just about are parents pr the government it’s about our lives and how we can make it a good one, because we only get one shot at it, and we have to make it right. So even though it’s going to kill me saying this, guys, we need to work hard for it and we are not going to coast on the last night of our exams because that’s not going to do any good for us. At all.

Take it easy, don’t be up all night and just relax every now and then.

Thanks for reading and I hoped that you all enjoyed this post!

Azraa 🙂

Life: Christmas

Zoe's Christmas TreeChristmas trees are up and they are decorated. And the Christmas albums are out in stores and in the radio. The funny thing is that when my mum  gets trapped in the traffic she’s stuck with the Christmas carols. Poor mum right. But I think that Christmas is such a festive time, I like the fact that we all get presents and like I don’t it seems like everyone loves each other more at this particular time. It just seems that way and I can’t really explain why. I don’t know why, but just check out people mood towards Christmas, it seems better. I like the fact that, Christmas really expresses the mood of winter. Like a white Christmas.

I’m a Muslim but I don’t celebrate Christmas, it’s just a fun thing to do. And half of the people don’t celebrate it for a religious reason. Its just good to get presents once in a while. Only the fourteenth of December and there are tons of Christmas shopping to do. Not just for my mum but for me too, I mean the disadvantage of having too many friends is when it comes to Christmas.

I think that it’s really weird that in some places Christmas is during the summer, for me a traditional Christmas it should be snowing and we should be watching Christmas films and listening to Christmas carols. The way to really get in the spirit is by going out to town with a couple of friends at around five when it’s kinda dark but has that nice feeling to it, you’ll have the town’s Christmas lights on and should be buying giant marshmallow sticks and stuffing them in your mouth, buying Christmas presents and asking for advice. That’s how I got into the Christmas mood, and that was the best night out that I’ve had in a long while, and it’s really fun. So please trust me on that and if it doesn’t work please feel free to complain to me.

The next thing is decorating the Christmas tree, that’s the most fun part. I know that a friend on mine went a little crazy on the decoration as you can see from the picture at the top. It looks like Santa threw up on it, but looks really pretty and from that picture the lights are off in the room the light is from the Christmas tree itself which is pretty amazing if you think about it. And it shows how family can really connect and make something really beautiful.

The Christmas dinner is probably the best thing since like nothing can beat food, since food is the ultimate thing. Just mouth watering.

The last thing is opening the presents because you find out how well your parents know you in terms of what to get you and you kind of like getting all the presents especially when you have your birthday ten days after and get everything all at once. Which makes it even more special. We all love presents who wouldn’t?

Enjoy your Christmas everyone!

So thanks for reading my blog post and I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Azraa 😀