Brilliant Book Then Terrible Movie

When ever there is a really good book, that gets tons of reviews and comments by really great authors. The book is a thing to talk about, let’s take Hunger Games for example, people loved the the book, and it is, and I’m not going to lie here, an amazing book. I haven’t yet watched the movie, but I’m buying it on DVD as soon as it gets out in August, but I can say that it looks like a really good film too! But that just happens that the director is really good. But hey lets take One Day, no actually Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot, an extremely great ten book series. They make a movie of the first two books, and the movie is terrible, completely so stupid compared to the book. Why oh why? What’s the point if the book is so good, then make a rubbish film out of it. It gives the impression that, the book isn’t that all good. But if you’ve read all ten books you would know that that’s a lie. If you don’t know that, then maybe you should take some spare time and take a read. At the moment I’m reading One Day by David Nicholls. You see I’m about almost half way through and well, I say that the book is much better than the film. I haven’t watched the film, but from the trailer, it doesn’t look like it reaches the full extent of the film. You can see that there are things missing. I hate some directors for that, what’s the point if the book is so great and you don’t really put the great parts in? Lets take another example, what about Romeo & Juliet the film? They didn’t even have the most famous scene in it. Can anyone guess? The great Balcony scene! No director just leaves a scene like that out. And then you wonder why the film got so much criticism, not even the worst director in the world would leave that scene out. I know that you might think that I’m being harsh here, but if you think about it, I’m really not. A GREAT Shakespearean play and they leave out the best bit. But I have to admit that the film was great, it really represented the tension in the film, as well as in the play(despite the fact that the balcony scene was not put in). But overall the film was great, really made you feel the emotion of it all. I thought that the actors did a really good job, apart from when Claire Danes did that horrible shriek of cry at the end of the film. But other than that Leonardo Dicaprio was a total hottie through it all. Don’t you girls agree? I’m pretty sure that Claire Danes was great for you guys as well. But not as good as Leonardo Dicaprio. I go to an all girls school, and you wouldn’t believe the amount of shrieking and screaming there was. Nothing to compare boys. Nothing at all.

But maybe sometimes, those Brilliant Books deserve a second chance, so please don’t moan about there being another film of the same book. Just give it a chance, and enjoy the movie.

So I hope that you all see the point that I’m trying to make. The fact that Brilliant books and their authors don’t get enough credit for their work, and are practically left with nothing but a Terrible Movie.

I hoped that you enjoyed this post! Thanks for reading!

Azraa 😉

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