Book Review: Waves

Waves is an absolute brilliant novel written by Sharon Dogar. An amazing book which is full of hidden secrets everywhere, round each corner.

‘Where are you Charley?’ His voice echoes. ‘I don’t know! I don’t know. I only know that I’m trapped here. With the breathing that sounds like the waves.’ In. Out. In. Out.

The story, is basically about a now alone brother, trying to find out about her sisters, accident. The reason why she’s in coma. Hal, remembers seeing someone there that night, the street light. And he tries to find out who it was. But this means that he has to tear his family apart, and the relationship he has with the sister, of her boyfriends. Accusations are thrown at people, people are defended. Arguments start and the fire is lit. The story represents the two viewpoints of the siblings, from Hal’s view and from Charley’s. Charley knows many things, and is trying to just let Hal, let her in. Let her into his mind, his body, just so that she can tell the story, that really doesn’t have an ending,or at least a happy one. It has the most peaceful ending, something that you don’t really get in many books. At the end of the book, it just makes you want to sigh for relief that the, agonizing pain is finally over. This story is veined with a thrilling mystery and tinged with the super-sensory. Waves I think is the best compelling story about first love and a tragic lost. About a family drowning in despair, and the remarkable boy fighting against the tide to save them. “A remarkable novel… both sensuous and sinster” – Philip Pullman.

This book is the very first book of the author, the one that I would say made her more recognizable than ever.

I think that it would be about time to give a brief up, don’t you?

The fifteen year old brother of the girl who’s in coma. Hal, trying to find out exactly what happened to his sister. Leads to all sort of problems, that lead to more problems! There never seems to be a end to the madness of it all. His whole family is falling apart with each step. He tries to make them understand,what he saw that night, when he’s finally remembered a year later. But no one really wants to hear what he’s going to say, they think that he’s just traumatized, like he was when he found her on the great big waves. He hears her, see’s her memories and becomes exactly what she was last summer. He founds love, makes new friends, dreads the way people always feel sympathy for him, and what happened. He feels haunted.

So we can clearly see that Sharon Dogar has created such an atmospheric setting for her first novel, such a different feeling from all the other books I’ve read. It concluded everything on my list, that really surprised me. The author herself, grew up in Oxford and was taught English by Philip Pullman. Waves is set in Cornwall, where she used to go on family holidays with, when she was young. She herself wanted to learn how to surf, but failed after all attmepts, then found a way, through Charley.

I would suggest you all to please read this book, I found it outstandingly moving. And it really did clear my mind, washed it out like it was a wave. So I would say please lets, give Sharon Dogar a round of applause on her amazing first nouvel! So please do take a read! It won’t hurt to. And thanks for reading! Click here if you want to purchase it at Amazon, trust me it’s totally worth it!

Azraa 🙂

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