All About Me!

I got told by one of my readers (also one of my best friends) that I need to maybe tell my readers, about me. I agreed because I think that it’s time for it. Well, I don’t know where you want me to start, so I think I should start right from the beginning.

I  live and still growing up in south east London, the place where it might not be the best, but I have the best memories ever. I have a brother, a half sister, a step mother, my dad and my mum. My parents divorced when I was quite young. I would say that I’m quite an independent, creative, fun-loving and just that bit of a random person. But that’s the best part of me you never know what you expect from me. Take this post for example, I really should have made this my first post. But I never really thought of it till well, today. If we’re going into detail here, not really till like half an hour ago. My star sign is a Capricorn, born in January. I have been doing Taekwondo for just about a year now,and I’m a yellow belt. I have the most AMAZING best friends ever, in the whole wide world! I’m in yr 9 going into yr 10. I have the most lovable family ever. The most fun packed, funny family ever. My brother is 11 and going into yr 8 (awwwwww bless!).

I have a collection of headbands, they are my icon everywhere I go. They are like, basically my thing, kinda known for it. I like and kind of good at long distance running, and I enjoy doing the school events, just being able to run free, with the wind in my hair, though it does get me breathless, like not being able to breath under water. This is the main thing about me, probably the first thing that anyone would tell you about me… I’M A BOOKWORM! Yes, there I’ve said it. I’m a bookworm. I like it read books, they make my life a lot more peaceful, more tranquil. I have a passion for reading, so what okay? The books I read just happen to be REALLY good books. I find weird things cool, been told that I am weird. Not that I couldn’t disagree. I have a passion for writing, I write my own books, that I hope someday I would publish. If I could just finish typing it up, but I’m on here all the time. Trying to give my readers something to read. So I hope you all appreciate that, though I like writing on here.

I love listening to some music, and I’m a GIANT fan of Big Time Rush and Taylor Swift, I like one direction too, and Jesse J, Maroon 5 and all the others. Though the thing that I love moat of all FOOD! I am an absolute lover, of food! Any type of food, I love! I can’t seem to stop eating, and I don’t really put on that much weight on. So I’m one of those people you call the “Lucky One’s” Though I don’t really see how that makes us luck? I mean it’s not all good, being just skin and bones, you know? People say “Oh! You’re a size eight,you can’t complain!” Well, being size eight is just a size. What is it really suppose to stand for? So you see, us skinny people, need to drink more, to keep us hydrated, as we dehydrate quickly. So no one can’t really complain.

I hope that this post told you all about me. And that’s it’s given a better perspective of your blogger! So thanks for reading, anything I didn’t add on comment or tweet me!

Azraa 😀

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