Life: Saying Goodbye

Well saying goodbye won’t be hard I know that, but then it won’t be easy. Letting go of something and hoping that it’ll come right back. I have to let something go, something that I would hope came back to me. She’s been very special to me, and well she’s left to go UNI. I have no way of understanding what to do. But whenever there’s a hello there’s always a goodbye, but whenever there’s a goodbye, there would always be another hello. This post is directed to my wonderful cousin who has left our little town to go and be BIG. Yeah, she’s gone to UNI.

And though it is sad, I think that it’s better to let her keep going rather to hold her back. Time for her to really understand, the values of life. And here’s the weirdest part now that she’s being all grown up I suddenly feel it too. Really weird but I don’t know why, to many countless little things that prove it. I mean before at least I knew that she was in the town and I could go see her any time, but now she’s like two hours away!!! I can’t go there any time I’d like too! But she’ll be back every two weeks and that the plus side of it.

Yesterday made me have a vision, just watching her parents say goodbye to her, made me wondered that if I ever get that far would it be the same for me? I mean my parents are divorced so how would that work out? I don’t know but it seemed like a very emotional moment. Like when your parents are dropping you to your first day at school and you don’t want your daddy ti leave your side, but you need to learn how to play with other kids, and well, learn about the world. I didn’t think that it would have ever came to the time when she left for UNI. I mean I thought she was going to leave two years ago, I even made a list, but since I done most of the things on that lift, it didn’t really matter. Just hugging her goodbye was the only thing that mattered.

I had even calculated that by the time she would have finished UNI it would be my time to go. Now that seems like a really long way to go, but it isn’t really.

What I’m trying to say, I seem to be saying this line a lot in my blogs, so lets change that. What goodbye really means is saying hello. Your never really saying goodbye just maybe I’ll see you later, or catch you later. But goodbye is never really saying goodbye. It’s just a whole lot of different meaning put into a one word.

Thanks for reading and I hope that it helps a lot of people. I hopes that you guys enjoyed it!

Azraa đŸ™‚

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